The Purpose…
September 15, 2010
Jesus Christ can give wealth to everyone if He wants to. But sometime when he gave the wealth to some one, the one who was given wealth forgot the purpose of him being called. Wealth is not the purpose but the purpose is becoming a fisher of men.
God bless my laundry business. Although my laundry business is a small business with one employee, it can earn almost US$ 16 every day now and it still increasing.
In the middle of my business, I take time to be a fisher of men. I try to tell the gospel in my busy time. Some time I meet a new customer and I try to invite him or her to the church service so he or she can listen to the words of God being preached there.
Some time I try to share the bible to the one that being introduced to me. Some time I invite my neighbor to attend the church service or a bible discussion forum.
I am happy to do this because it is harmless to everyone and it can help every one that wants to accept the words of God to have a better life. They will live a life full of love and meaningful.
Live a biblical life never bored. If someone feels bored, he or she must be done it with the wrong way and they need to find out what is the problem to be fixed.
Depart from me; for I am a sinful man, O Lord. Luke 5:8 (KJV)
Fear not; from henceforth thou shalt catch men. Luke 5:10 (KJV)
Luke 5-7
My Quiet Time
Kos Yono