Business tips…
Today I want to write business tips:
1. Pray before you make any plans. It means that you ask for God’s plan so you only do it according to His plan. If you have wife or husband, pray with your spouse. Pray with your spouse means that you are going to unite in one decision. God loves to bless the unite couple.
2. While you are waiting for the answers, you can search for any business chance, you can read it in business catalogue, business magazine, business books, you can also seek advices from the wise, etc. who know you can find God’s answer then. Just pray again to make sure it is from God.
3. If you think it is a God’s answer for you, please do some surveys: who will use your products (or service), how many people (estimation) will use your product (or service), can you run the business with the condition you have now? Pray for the surveys result.
4. Make plan: Budgeting, Marketing, accounting, management, tax, employee, break even, capital, etc. Pray and pray again because you are going to make a decision.
5. Now, if you are ready, just start it but before you really ready to start your business, please take time to pray again and make sure it is the plan from God.
And whiles I was speaking, and praying, and confessing my sin and the sin of my people Israel, and presenting my supplication before the Lord my God for the holy mountain of my God; Yea, whiles I was speaking in prayer, even the man Gabriel, whom I had seen in the vision at the beginning, being caused to fly swiftly, touched me about the time of the evening oblation. And he informed me, and talked with me, and said, O Daniel, I am now come forth to give thee skill and understanding.
Dan 9:20-22 (KJV)
Daniel 7-8
My Quiet Time
Source that may help:
Small Business Start Up
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